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International Writing Contest Endorsed By Hollywood Celebrity Looking For Diverse Stories From All Cultures

Von Christian Schröter, 9. März 2022, Lesedauer 3 Minuten, 12 Sekunden

International Writing Contest Endorsed By Hollywood Celebrity Looking For Diverse Stories From All Cultures

  • Page Turner Awards believes that talented travel writers can be from any background, age, race, religion, or interest.

Men, women and young adults, are invited to enter their fascinating stories of interesting life experiences into the 2022 awards. In particular, the awards judging panel is keen to discover unique voices from diverse cultures around the world.

For the 2021 awards, many aspiring writers walked off the red carpet with life-changing prizes.

The awards celebrated several winning authors, writers, and screenwriters at a glittering online where Paul Michael Glaser, from Starsky and Hutch fame, was a special guest to announce the winners.

The judging panel for 2022 is made up of literary agents and publishers looking for fictional dramas, memories and true-life stories. Yours, possibly collecting dust in a drawer or within your computer chips, may see the light of day in the 2022 awards.

One new unpublished writer won literary agency representation, while a screenwriter won literary management. Another new writer won a publishing deal, seven independent authors won an audiobook production from Spectrum Audiobooks, plus one other won a publishing package (including an edit, book cover and book trailer), and another author won a book adaptation. See more success stories and winners.

Paul Michael Glaser said, “Thank you to the Page Turner Awards for involving me. It has been a huge honour to be amongst so many fantastic writers.”

Whether you have a memoir about your globe-trotting journey (think “Eat, Love Pray”), a gasp-inducing travel thriller, or the next-big-thing comedy involving heroic characters from interesting cultures, Page Turner Awards can’t wait to pass your story to their panel of influential literary agents, publishers and film producers.

The Page Turner Awards, sponsored by ProWritingAid, offers authors, writers, and screenwriters the chance to enter the first 10 pages of their writing project, where a judging panel of literary experts and film producers will read the work.

Submissions for the 2022 Awards is now open. Find out how you too can enter your writing into The Page Turner Awards: https://pageturnerawards.com.

The 2021 Award Winners Are …

  • Writing Award Winners
    • Claire Stibbe and Jaya Padmanabhanwon the Writing Award for fiction, and Ruth Millington won the Writing Award for non-fiction. Claire Stibbe won the Writing Award for her submission, No Good Lie. Claire shared the number one slot with Jaya Padmanabhan, for “Bloom of a Drunken Coconut”. The Writing Award Non-Fiction winner was Ruth Millington for her memoir, “Aftershock”. Emma Williams was offered literary agency representation from Samar Hammam of Rocking Chair Books Literary Agency. Emma’s submission, “The Life and Death of Agnes Grace”, had a neck-and-neck race with the two winners who won.
  • Book Award Winners
    • Zarina Macha won the Fiction for her young adult story, Anne. Zarina won a publishing package, which includes an edit, book cover design and book trailer.  Andrea Wilson Woods won the Book Award for non-fiction for her memoir, “Better Off Bald: A Life in 147 Days”. From the Book Award shortlist, six authors won an audiobook production from Spectrum Audiobooks.
  • Young Writer Award Winner
    • At the tender age of 23, Jaidyn Groth, won this award for her submission, “The Other Side of Sunshine”. Jaidyn is a talent to watch because she also won second place for another story she submitted.
  • Writing Mentorship Winners
    • Helen Rowe won Karen Williams as her mentor. Zara Sekhavati has won Marni Seneker as her mentor. Candace Cox and Alex Johnson both won Ann Brady as their mentor.
  • Screenplay Award Winners:
    • Feature Film Winner
      • Martin Keady for “Man of Colour”
    • TV Series Winner
      • Jonny King for “Gifted”
    • Short Film Winner
      • Phil Vengrinovich for Regarding the “Pain of Others”
    • Book Adaptation Needed Winner
      • LM Latham for “Shoot the Savage”
    • As well as winning the overall Screenplay Award, Jonny King won literary management from Sean Dubravac from Entertainment Lab.

Karla Wagner Stiftung